My Portfolio Site

Following my Udacity Nanodegree in Full Stack Web Development using JavaScript and TypeScript, I thought it would be a good idea to apply what I learned in the course along with what I learned using Ruby on Rails to build my own portfolio website seeing as I have never had a proper one.


Most of the courses and tutorials I've seen tend to use a database like SQLite3 or PostgreSQL to store their content, I chose to go a step further and use Strapi as a headless CMS to be able to dynamcially edit the content available for my site. I had also seen videos about making a blog with the articles written in markdown and so far I'm pretty pleased with how it's going. Editing my projects feels like a lot less of a hassle than it would have been.

I also didn't want to bust out something like Angular or React for this because I wanted to try something a bit more raw and EJS & express-ejs-layouts has been kind to me. It feels consistent with how I'd structure things had I been using Rails or Angular but a lot closer to the node parts of my courses which I'm quite happy with.

To Do

  • Filters for tags
